Equal - Greater - Less Than (Up To 4 Digits)

Equal,Greater,Less than (Up to 4 Digits)

  • 855,14 Kč bez DPH
  • skladem u výrobce
    Můžeme doručit do: 20.8.2024
1 034,72 Kč
Kategorie: Matematika
Oblast: Matematika
Věk dítěte: 3-6 let
Introduce your children to the concepts of greater than, less than, and equal to with numbers greater than 20 using golden beads to make numbers that have up to 4 digits. The packet includes three sets with 10 cards in each set for a total of 30 equations. Set 1 uses pictures• Set 2 uses pictures and color codednumerals• Set 3 uses color coded numerals only

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