Euro bankovky - třídící tác

  • 1 z 2

  • 989,88 Kč bez DPH
  • skladem u výrobce
    Můžeme doručit do: 20.8.2024
1 197,75 Kč
Kategorie: Matematika
Oblast: Matematika
Věk dítěte: 0-3 roky
Get familiar with the euro and learn how you can pay an amount in different ways. The box contains 160 coins and 130 banknotes. The money can be taken out easily, like a cash register. The coins have the denomination on one side and the euro sign on the other. The banknotes are printed on both sides on synthetic and untearable paper. Contents:blue plastic box with transparent lid (54.5 x 22.5 x 4.5 cm)160 plastic coins: 20 of each coins 130 paper banknotes:20 x 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 10 x 500euro

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