Exploring English: Lower Elementary 6 - 9

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Exploring English: Lower Elementary 6 - 9

  • 88 445 Kč bez DPH
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107 018,45 Kč
Kategorie: Jazyk
Oblast: Jazyk
Věk dítěte: 6-12 let
A complete cabinet with 5 drawers and an endless amount of English activities. Groundwork There are 2 drawers with groundwork to give the children a strong foundation of English grammar, enhance their vocabulary, learn to use sentences and discover the sentence structure. Groundwork contains: • 30 picture boxes and 30 corresponding word boxes. These picture boxes and word boxes are linked to themes in the other drawers. In total there are 10 main themes. • Variations: a box with exercises for the word and picture boxes. • Sentence boxes with a large collection of sentences. • 15 conversation boxes with a large number of sentences around a specific theme. • 15 grammar boxes: to learn about singular and plural, tenses, prepositions, irregular verbs etc. • Explanations: a booklet with the most important rules of grammar. About Me | Around Me | The World Around Me 3 drawers full with activities. Each drawer contains 10 sub themes that have a direct relation with the 10 main groundwork themes. The name of the drawer indicates the perspective of the sub themes. The number of boxes or cards per sub theme may vary. In total each drawer has a total of 50 different tasks. Next to this each drawer contains exploration boxes to lay cards in a specific order, and exploration cards which appeal to the child’s creative thinking ability. Exploration cards also enable the children to work in pairs or small groups. On top of this there is a box with 21 inspiration cards for teacher directed activities and 6 large illustrated cards, which can be used for group activities. A flag with the text Exploring English completes the material to ensure that everyone near this flag speaks English. Exploring English: Lower Elementary 6 - 9 must be purchased together with one of the following cabinets: - Exploring English Cabinet 073100 - Exploring English Cabinet With Casters 073150

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