Exploring English: Kindergarten 3 - 6

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Exploring English: Kindergarten 3 - 6

  • 22 276,70 Kč bez DPH
  • skladem u výrobce
    Můžeme doručit do: 1.10.2024
26 954,81 Kč
Kategorie: Jazyk
Oblast: Jazyk
Věk dítěte: 3-6 let
Exploring English is a complete curriculum meant to learn English as a foreign language for kindergarten and elementary. It is a material to learn English, to do English and to experience English. This curriculum has been developed from the ‘learning by doing’ perspective and contains a lot of Montessori elements. Exploring English is developed fully in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and is integrated with all other educational subjects like math, geography, biology, history, science etc. Phenomenon based learning at its best.

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