Colour die


  • 300,19 Kč bez DPH
  • skladem u výrobce
    Můžeme doručit do: 20.8.2024
363,23 Kč
Kategorie: Barvy a tvary
Oblast: Matematika
Věk dítěte: 0-3 roky
With a red, blue, yellow, green, orange and white side. Search for example objects in the classroom which have the same colour as shown by the die or practise combining colours with quantities by throwing both a number die and the colour die. Give assignments such as: ‘take 6 orange beads’ or ‘colour 2 blue socks’. The die is made from soft plastic, which makes it safe to handle and roll quietly. Easy to clean so suitable for indoor as well as outdoor use. Contents: soft plastic die with colours (10 cm)

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